PERFORMACIDE® Listed as Ebola Disintectant
CDC and EPA Ebola Disinfectant Guidlines

The CDC and EPA have issued guidance, for hospital settings recommending the use of EPA registered hospital-grade disinfectants for surface disinfection to help prevent the spread of the Ebola virus. The guidelines are listed below.
- The product meets the CDC criteria for disinfectant products with label claims for a non-enveloped virus;
- The product is intended for use on hard, non-porous surfaces; and,
- The product label use instructions for the non-enveloped virus or viruses should be followed.
View EPA List of Disinfectants for Use Against the Ebola Virus
The following PERFORMACIDE® products meet these criteria:
At this time, the Agency is not allowing label claims related to antimicrobial product efficacy specifically against the Ebola virus since a scientifically available testing procedure with a surrogate has not been developed.